12 Days of DIY Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas for the Whole Family
Thinking about the countdown to Christmas? Here are 12 DIY alternative and eco-friendly advent calendar activities which are suitable for the whole family to create christmas memories!
How to make: Grab some envelopes, paper bags or hessian sacks, some string and some pegs and get creative this year with an activity based advent. Use our prompts to create advent calendar ‘vouchers’ to make the count down to the big day a little more fun!

Snuggle up for a family Christmas film
Plan a classic or let the family choose, turn down the lights, grab those blankets and enjoy – popcorn optional but a definite recommendation from us!

Donate to a food bank
If you can, a reverse advent is a lovely way to give a little back to someone less fortunate, food banks and charities often publish lists of things they most desperately need. Each Christmas we go shopping for the food bank and use the local supermarket drop off point to leave some essentials with a few extra treats thrown in!

Nature Walk
It’s time to grab your coat and scarves, head outdoors for a nature trail, collect leaves, pine cones and twigs to make pictures with them when you return home! We can't guarantee a sprinkle of snow but we can hope!

Make a Christmas Decoration
There is so much opportunity for crafts at this time of year and to create keepsakes for the future. Get creative and design a new decoration for the tree! Check out our website for some wooden baubles - easy to decorate and they don't cost alot!
Christmas treasure hunt
This is always a favorite in our house, we use chocolate coins to create a Christmas treasure hunt. You can download clues online or, if you are feeling creative – make your own!
Get Baking
It’s the season for sweet treats. You could use a cutter in the advent envelope as a clue to make gingerbread man and biscuits for santa. A Christmas baking session is guaranteed to be a hit!
Prepare a gift for someone to make them smile
Do you know someone who will be spending Christmas alone? Could you prepare a small gift, it doesn’t have to be expensive and something homemade could work. Alternatively, seek out a toy or shoebox appeal, lots of charities ask for help at this time of year to make sure those less fortunate are also thought of – we did a shoebox gift for our local dog rescue home the other year, upon request we even wrapped it so the dog could unwrap it themselves!

Visit Santa
Plan a visit to the big man - you could even use a printable invitation like the one in the link below!
Write a letter to santa
Royal mail even do a scheme where they will write back to you – I have popped the link here.

Learn a new Christmas Joke
My eldest LOVES a cheesy joke! Get learning those jokes and then write them down for some homemade Christmas crackers! If you’d like to follow us on Instagram we will be sharing some video’s on how to make easy homemade crackers using our wrapping paper and some toilet roll tubes!
Make some reindeer Food
I’ve heard that santa’s reindeers love a little bird seed mixed with some porridge oats… you could even make a little tag ready for Christmas eve!
Decorate Christmas cards and wrapping paper
Who doesn’t love a homemade Christmas card? We also sell our plain kraft roll ends (part of the roll which doesn’t fit on our printer) and wooden stamps to help you create amazing homemade wrapping paper!

We hope you enjoyed our idea's - follow us on social media @planetwrapit or sign up to our mailing list for more eco friendly christmas inspiration!
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